Friday, May 8, 2020

Eating healthy is the way to go


Do you try to eat healthy or...? 

We all should, you know. 

All the time, if possible.






  1. I wanna have lunch with the police officer. I like how tiny that lunch box looks in his hands....


  2. Today I had fish and tomatoes and ice cream. is that healthy?

    1. It depends if you think that ice cream is healthy. It's not because of the sugar that's in it.

      Like tonight I'm going to have salmon and lentil soup. Now that's healthy.😋😁

  3. And what fine advertisements for healthy eating this selection is...

  4. I eat healthy by eating lots of chicken, fish, veggies and fruit. Moderation of pasta, bread and junk food. It's not easy to do it but when you put your mind to it, you can do it. With eating right and some exercise you feel healthy and fit!

    1. 10 years ago I was 195-198. Today I'm 189. I've been loosing and gaining like a yo-yo like I said above on what I eat. Do I exercise not really except for doing yard work and at my job in a diner that you do lots of walking taking care of the customers. That's my exercise for me. Yes I can work out and loose weight more but I happy the way I am. If I loose more weight then I'll be more happy that I did.

    2. That's really great. Nobody should be eating junk food or sweets because, we literally don't need them in our bodies and our lives. But hey, people aren't strong to say "no" and just snap out of it. It's up to each of us to choose the lifestyle. I think with even small changes, we feel much, much better.

  5. A lower quantity = a lower price. A superior quality = a superior price. There is a balance to be found for a greater pleasure in eating and for a better health.
    Courage, an effort to make then it will become a habit.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. As I was diagnosed of diabetes on October 2016, I have to eat in a very healthy and special diet. Even before that, I was very cautious of what I was eating.
    No junk food for me, no butter or too sugary foods.

    But, I could sheat with that cute second photo's boy...
    Some of his nice «fruits» could be part of my diet anytime...
    Couldn't resist to taste his sausage and nice olives... MMMMM !

  7. I think it is safe to say that I don't eat quite as healthy as these guys. Wow!

  8. It sure looks like they eat lean. A great model.

  9. All of these guys are simply gorgeous.

  10. I try to eat a mostly plant-based diet. My treat everyday is 6 dark chocolate covered almonds.

  11. Number 2 has that Chris Evans type of flawless body - naturally muscly and deliciously hairy, not overly pumped.
