Saturday, June 6, 2020

Guys in uniforms taking selfies in their car







  1. Ahhh now this brightens up my day. Green Beret. Hope your Saturday is a good one.

  2. Hi Police, i need help ejejejejejejejejejejejeejejejejej

  3. I have to prefer the first photo where these Venezuelan police officers greet me and congratulate me. It doesn't happen that often, especially the thumb up. As for the third photo, this forearm is impressive, but I don't like spare parts. Except, I admit, some selected parts.

  4. I've always thought guys in uniforms were nice. I loved the uniform my husband had back when he was working doing apartment maintenance.

  5. penultimate /& last one: ideal for me

  6. This is strange, but given our current state of affairs, I don't find men in uniform sexy. I find them scary. It wasn't that way in the past, and it probably won't be that way in the future, but right now, anything authoritarian gives me the willies. And not the kind dancing in their pants.

    1. I wouldn't let just one or few examples give me a reason to generalize. 🤷‍♂️ Not all policemen are bad. Things we're talking about have always existed and, unfortunately, it will for quite a while. Now they're just more visible and talked about. 😏

    2. Isn't the problem that previously they were less visible and less talked about?
      The fundamental cause is obviously the existence of latent racism, but also the method of recruiting the police. The fact that they are elected tends to make them reflect local minorities. In France they receive training and are recruited by competitive examination at the national level to select the best. Do not tell me that in France too there are abuses, but most often linked to the behavior of the demonstrators rather than racism. A racism which, alas, also exists with us. Too bad. No one is perfect, but everyone could do better.
      Best regards.

  7. Long live cops, a huge respect for them! They put their heads in a bag every day for us and yet media loves to manipulate and portray them as vile villains, while they are heroes.

    1. I agree, one individual should not be confused with his uniform. Neither ONE policeman with THE police.
      But they should obey an internal regulation common to all the police officers of the USA and and whose application should be controlled by a police force of the police independent of the political and legal authorities. This is the case in France. Where everything is not perfect, but I think it's better.
      Best regards
